Kernel Component Registration Strategies
Ümit Akbaş
2015-11-24 09:53:25 UTC
Hi , first of all it is nice work. !! Thank you.
I have a question about binsor to optimize register components text format
in boo files.

I want to use this code block in my boo files :

"var kernel = new DefaultKernel();

*using (kernel.OptimizeDependencyResolution())*{
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
kernel.AddComponent("key" + i, typeof(string), typeof(string));


below you can see my boo code.
"private def RegisterRepositories():
for type in AllTypes("<myAssebmly>"):
continue unless typeof(cr.IRepositoryBase).IsAssignableFrom(type)
keyType = TypeHelper.GetTopLevelRepositoryInterface(type)
if not Kernel.HasComponent(keyType):
Component type.Namespace + "." + type.Name.ToLowerInvariant() +
".repository", keyType, type

how can i you "using" c# keyword in my case.
i'll be happy with your helps.


This is really cool. Awesome work.
The recent changes to the kernel registration interface allows for custom
registration strategies. I just added an AllTypesOf strategy to allow
the most common scenarios.
Here are some examples
registering all controllers in the current assembly
kernel.Register( AllTypesOf<IController>
.FromAssembly( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() )
selecting the first interface as the service
kernel.Register( AllTypesOf<ICommon>
.FromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() )
Using custom configuration
kernel.Register( AllTypesOf<ICommon>
.FromAssembly( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() )
.Configure( component => component.LifeStyle.Transient
component.Implementation.FullName + "XYZ" )
Choosing types if they have a specific attribute (courtesy of LINQ)
kernel.Register( AllTypesOf<CustomerChain1>
.Pick( from type in
where type.IsDefined(typeof(SerializableAttribute),
select type
));Thanks to Ayende for inspiration from some of his
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